Unless you are in a real hurry, sprucing up a property before a sale can see it appreciate in value very fast. It sounds like common sense but you would be surprised as to how many investors neglect to follow this advice either due to laziness or lack of concern.
Sprucing up the property does not mean that you have to spend thousands of dollars in development. Much like a bachelor tidying up his apartment before a girl walks in, it is all about quick fixes and general touching up.
Start off with the switch plates; these things are inexpensive and easy to replace. You can probably replace all the plates in the house for under $30.
Change all the doors if they look bad. Hollow core doors cost around $20 and for about $30 you can find stylish ones that will give off a bit more character.
Replace door handles and trim. Again, this will help improve the look of the house carrying a sense of newness to it. Trims can be painted, but it would look better if you installed new trendy ones.
Replace the front door. If it does not have character, get one that does. A part of the first impression of the house is the front door. If the customer gets put off by something like this, you will have to work very hard later on, to get them into an interested mood.
Install new shower curtains. Bathrooms are a very personal and crucial decision making item. Make sure that your customers don’t get put off by the sight of it.
Paint at least outside of the kitchen cabinets. This will give nice clean feel to the place.
Get a good and strong mailbox. This will be one of the first things they see.
As you can see, these are quick fixes that will not burn a hole in your pocket. Yet they go a long way towards making a better impression on your customers.