The aftershocks of the events that rocked everywhere from Wall Street to Main Street in September and October are continuing to depress the soft housing market, which now seems headed for further declines in sales and prices—numbers were down 16.6% in the third quarter of 2008 compared to just one year ago. Now that the U.S. has been declared officially in recession, buyers may be even more hesitant to purchase homes despite falling prices.
Yet homeowners don’t have to abandon all hope of selling their properties until the country recovers. Simple updates to a home, such as custom entryways, are a great way to boost the curb appeal. Most realtors advise homeowners to make strong first impressions on potential buyers, and almost no exterior feature bespeaks a house’s condition like doors with style.
Wood doors in materials from mahogany and oak to doors with iron or glass inserts, clavos nails, or v-groove panels, as well as arch wood doors, can either enhance a home’s strong points or deemphasize certain features in order to bring out more subtle ones and create a new look. Solid wood doors, for example, which are often associated with an older, elegant style of architecture based on true craftsmanship, may suggest a timeless quality in a house that will appeal to buyers. Older wood doors that have suffered termite damage can also benefit from replacements.
Like wood doors, decorative iron doors offer old-world charm coupled with sophistication. Iron doors with different glass textures can either allow visibility to create a sense of invitingness or prohibit outsiders from seeing inside while still suggesting at the homey milieu within. Another benefit to wrought iron doors is security of vulnerable entryways.
New interior doors can also amp up a home’s resale value without requiring a major financial investment from the homeowner. For those homeowners who wish to inexpensively remodel their homes, new doors are a recession-friendly initiative. These doors may be purchased in traditional brick-and-mortar stores or online. Many online door manufacturers, including Doors & Accessories, can make custom doors that will augment a home’s character. The economic crisis doesn’t mean that home quality has to decrease as a result. With just a new door, homeowners can heighten their properties’ appeal to buyers—or just better enjoy their homes for themselves.
Article provided by Phoenix