Local Small Businesses Yield More Opportunities as the Work from Home Revolution Gets Underway

Local Small Businesses Yield More Opportunities as the Work from Home Revolution Gets Underway

Perch founder and entrepreneur Lucy Lyle is quoted saying “Even a small bit of clutter has a tendency to grow over time,” which is why staff are encouraged to keep clean and tidy workstations and desks whether they are working from an office or home.

Since the pandemic in 2020, Lucy Lyle notes that businesses around the world have had to restructure how to best serve their clients and customers. Many have taken advantage of the remote workforce available and have found there are substantial benefits to encouraging employees to work from home.

Giving the team flexibility gives the employees a good work-life balance which relieves stress and increases productivity and job satisfaction. Allowing people to work from home can relieve some of their financial strain. Lucy Lyle shows that being home to tend to young children, saving on child care, and not having to commute saves on petrol.

Another benefit is that the business can reduce its overheads and save funds on rent, utilities, and the cost of staff for maintaining a physical office space. This is a welcome solution for small businesses with limited resources. When employing people to work remotely engages them and creates job satisfaction, which in turn reduces staff turnover. This adds to loyalty from long-term team members and high-quality production.

Small businesses have the opportunity of hiring top talent from all over the globe to fill positions remotely. This is a way to bring in new ideas and perspectives and find motivated professionals to fill job openings.

With more employees working from home the company is saving financially and can use those extra savings to implement the correct systems that can effectively and efficiently manage the remote team of employees.