Understanding the mortgage loan market

The mortgage business is one of the most complicated and dynamic parts of the real estate industry. Therefore, it is vital that you understand how the mortgage system works and how lenders are able to make profit. Institutional Lenders There is a major difference between institutional and private lenders. Institutional lenders offer loans based on …

Ethics in Real Estate Investing

To become a successful investor, it is important to follow an ethical code. Ethics are a set of rules that governs a person or a group’s conduct. The fact is that some practices of real estate investors fit into unethical categories without their realization. Listed below are some unethical practices followed: Hiking the property value …

Essential Real Estate Contract Clauses

A good real estate contract is one that helps to protect both the buyer as well as the real estate broker. In a typical scenario, the broker will only have a standard contract that will contain clauses that lean towards the broker and you, the buyer. Here are a few essentials that you must look …

Split Funding

Split funding is a fabulous way to engage in real estate investing. As long as your negotiating skills are up to the mark, this method will net you some quick profits with minimal effort. The basis of the deal is that you offer a small sum as down payment to the seller and agree to …

Flipping Works

Two popular methods of investing in the real estate game are known as ‘flipping’ and ‘speculating’. The latter is part of the former method but is a high risk/profit approach. ‘Speculating’ works by purchasing undeveloped property and selling it based on its future value. For example, if a condominium complex is being planned, you will …

Repairing and Using your Credit

When it comes to investing in real estate, your credit status becomes very important. You must ensure that your credit is in a good state so that you are able to close deals quickly and easily. If it is not in good order, then you must take some steps to rectify it. You should begin …