Construction delay analysis and pre-construction programming

Construction delay analysis and pre-construction programming

Construction projects often suffer due to delays, mainly because construction projects follow a sequence and when one sequence is delayed the entire project is at a standstill. To calculate the delay and reduce costs and time, Lyle Charles recommends managing a project by using delay analysis techniques. However, the accuracy of forecasting the delay is based on the nature and quality of the program used. Here are some main areas that have been proven to be helpful when calculating and forecasting delays.

Information should be easy to understand – Since a large number of people in the organization from varying backgrounds will be reading the data, it is important that the information is presented in a format that can be easily understood. Look at presenting information in chart form for quick referencing.

Programs – Consider investing in construction claim analysis programs that are simple to understand, but let you enter all the information that you consider necessary.

Workforce loading graphs – The use of workforce loading graphs help during the pre-construction stage but should also include resource loading and leveling to ensure accuracy.

Active client involvement – To create your program, take the time to get actively involved in the program development stage. Early involvement will help the programming firm create a program that is best suited for your company’s needs. Active involvement also means that construction claim analysis will be accurate and disputes can be handled quickly with fewer costs to the company.